Here’s how Box Tops for Education works:
EASIEST: Create an account, then download the App for iPhone or Android. The App shows all of the different participating stores. Simply scan your receipt using the app within 14 days of purchase. The earnings for CHS are automatically entered!
OLD SCHOOL: Tape or glue the Box Tops to this sheet and send to school with your child. Please put your child's name and homeroom on the sheet so the classroom gets credit.
For complete info, go to the Box Tops for Education website HERE!
DID YOU KNOW? Every Box Top your family clips not only raises money for CHS and it also brings your child's class closer to an extra recess! PLUS, the top two students with the most submissions will also win individual prizes. To be eligible, simply print a screen shot of your activity through October 1st and send in with your child's name and homeroom.